
Tuesday, November 02, 2004

venom is the anti-venom

Sometimes our head aches not because we need an upgrade of eyeglasses. Sometimes our tummy aches not because we ate something that our stomach wants to reject. Sometimes these are just symptoms of severe stress. You know, that “it’s-all-in-the-mind” thing or as others would call it, psychological pain.

In such cases, are you aware that some doctors actually prescribe a pill called Placebo? Placebos may be water pills, sugar pills or starch pills. It results to the placebo effect, a response to the act of being treated, not to the treatment itself. The effect generally improves the state of health without any credit to actual medical treatment. Some doctors just want to see if the patient only feels pain caused by the mind.

Amusing. Psychological cure for something psychologically inflicted.

I mean, come on. Admit it. You get a headache when thinking of how to settle your credit card bills, so you take biogesic or you sleep. But the truth is, what can really take away that headache is cash, because lack of it caused it in the first place.

You see, we often tend to resort to escape hatches where in fact the solution (most of the time, only solution) to the problem is right in front us. You should not run away from your fears, just as you should not replace a stick of cigarette for a missed lunch and just as you should not lock yourself up in the room when your heart gets broken. On the other hand, you should cure your sickness with what actually caused it. Venom is the anti-venom.

Just like overcoming your fears requires facing it. Just like food satisfies hunger due to lack of it. Just like love healing a broken heart caused by love itself.

Psychological cure for something psychologically inflicted. Physical cure for something physically inflicted. Emotional cure for something emotionally inflicted.

I guess that’s the fastest way to cure our own diseases. Venom is the anti-venom. It’s basic knowledge as basic math.


Blogger dadaydamakulay said...

What if you're sleepy? Would you drink coffee or go to sleep? By drinking coffee you take an anti-venom but by sleeping, you give in. You indulge. You get your cure not by fighting the disease but by letting it captivate you. Could it be true for love?

(naks parang may sense pero wala hehehe)

5:09 PM  
Blogger melay / carme said...

we feel sleepy basically due to lack of sleep, not lack of coffee. Ang coffee kase just delays our sleepiness. After some time, we will still get sleepy. So in order not to get sleepy anymore, one should get some sleep. Sleep still, is the anti-venom.

I think the same goes for love. The cure for the heartache is love itself. Regardless if it’s a new love or the love you will always give in to, even if it’s the same love that caused it in the first place. A so-called ‘cure’ kase is very subjective. Sometimes, it’s even a lie. Hehe. But I guess what I am trying to get across here is that if the ‘cure’ is in the truest sense of the word, so must be the love that made it to be. Ü

5:07 PM  
Blogger dadaydamakulay said...

hehehe very philosophical mare. Pero tama ka. Dapat matulog na lang ako, wag na mag kape antok lang to e absent naman si sir... =)

1:01 AM  
Blogger melay / carme said...

kunwari lang. hehe. tulog na tayo. good night. hehehe

4:45 PM  

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