
Thursday, November 11, 2004


“I don’t know”. I probably say these words around 50 times a day. 50% of the time, I really don’t know the answer. Then, the other 50% of which I’m just pretending not to know the answer. It’s either I didn’t hear the question pretty well and I don’t care much to ask for pardon, or I don’t wanna say much because I’m still savoring the food that I am chewing. And sometimes I just find the question simply ... stupid.

These are some questions that leave me with no choice but answer “I don’t know.” Answer them for yourselves. Come on. Let’s waste some of your precious little time. Hihi...

how’s (name of your ex)?
What do you want for Christmas?
what do you think of genetic engineering?
when are you getting married?
Do you think he can pick us up later?
what’s the latest on (a telenovela)?
why are you gaining weight?
Who opened the door when we were out?
what’s a taxi in tagalog?
what are your plans tonight?
does bush deserve the presidency?
How come you lost with a 12-5 score? – ehem, daday? Pakisagot. Hehe.

And lastly – I’m sorry, but this is best written in tagalong:
“Ano ang masmakati? An-an o buni?” – courtesy of glenn. Hehe.

Jeez. This blog is getting nowhere, don’t you think so? Hmm. How would I end something like this? I don’t know.

Do you?


Blogger melay / carme said...


3:20 AM  
Blogger melay / carme said...


3:20 AM  
Blogger melay / carme said...


3:20 AM  
Blogger melay / carme said...


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