
Wednesday, April 13, 2005


It’s funny how some of my friends are so enthusiastic in hooking me up with other single guys in town. Ok, well, I have to admit that some even hook me up with their friends who already have girlfriends. They apparently don’t like the current girlfriend of their friend so they wanna set me up with their friend. No, I’m not speaking as if I’m this hot girl to get the hottest bachelors around. We all know I am no Cindy Kurleto or Amanda Griffin to be linked to such guys.

Come to think of it. I am everything that an ordinary guy would NOT see himself on a date with. I aint got that long and silky black hair, that flawless white skin and that oozingly sexy body. And doing that stuck out annoying pinky finger every time one reaches for something? Oh puh-lease. That’s totally not me.

But despite that, eager friends rather leave me with the question “who do I wanna date?”. (Thank you friends. Hehe.)

My latest prospect was actually a nice guy. (well, I believe all of them are -- in the beginning..) he was everything that an ordinary girl would see herself on a date with. The thing is – I am not your normal, ordinary girl. I cannot possibly see myself dating someone who sings “HAVING YOU NEAR ME” (AirSupply) and “STILL” (Lionel Richie) in a ktv bar. I do not have anything against those who do, though. Heck, this is a free country! But singing those while hitting on me? Not a good idea.

Which leads me ask another question. What is a good idea to me? what is a good, fun, clean date for a not so ordinary girl like me? nothing specific, i guess. when all that is planned suddenly turn out not the way they were supposed to be.. when the totally unexpected comes out from the expected.. (for as long as nobody gets hurt ha! hehe.. ) breaking through the traditional dating scenario will always make a date interesting. Anything that is not so ordinary always makes a lasting effect. (hay. i would love to site a few kaya lang baka maging bargain na ang dates ko.. hehe.)
ayun. another pointless point. oh, and that "having you near me/still" guy? he's not a blogger so my not so ordinary ass is pretty safe. hehe.


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